Everyone know what is this. Ya, this is our planet Earth in which we live. This is our world where all living creatures take birth, live and die. There are many forms of life can be seen on this planet. There are two major kingdoms on earth. The Plant Kingdom and Animal Kingdom. Plants are one who absorbs solar energy to produce food and live. And also provide food for animals. Some animals eat plants to live and other animals are dependent on these animals. Among these plants and animals there is one more animal.... named HUMAN BEING. He dominates all. He is very strong among all the animal kingdom. He is so selfish and does not care for other living creatures. He is wiping out all forest and natural things for his needs. He even divided the Earth into many countries... actually not many, too many...more than 200. Humans are destroying the nature for his needs. But everyone should understand that we need to save our Earth. We need to make it a better place to live. OKAY... Conserve the resources for the future generations.
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